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First-Time Homebuyer: Homes In Better School Districts

23 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to buying a new home, one of the most significant factors to consider is the quality of schools in the area. For families with children or those planning to start a family, access to excellent educational institutions is often a top priority. Investing in a home located in a reputable school district can have long-lasting benefits, both for your child's education and the future value of your property. Read More …

4 Reasons To Consider A Bilingual School

7 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a parent, you likely want your child to have the best educational foundation. There are a number of obstacles families face in today's times. Some school districts have school zones, and this can impact the quality and types of learning available.  Knowing how to speak more than one language has several benefits, and an early introduction to other languages can help pave the educational foundation for success. Unfortunately, access to dual language immersion is not readily available everywhere. Read More …

The Benefits of Distance Learning Services

10 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Education is an effective weapon that people use to change the world. Modern-day education is easy and convenient, thanks to distance learning services. For example, a student can attend an Ivy League university in the United States without ever setting foot in continental America. This method of learning was crucial in ensuring the continuation of education while the world battled the coronavirus. This article provides a few reasons why distance learning services are appropriate for learners. Read More …

Smart Steps To Take When Taking Advantage Of A High School Study Abroad Program

26 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you're in high school and are looking for a unique educational experience, a study abroad program may be exactly what you need. You'll be around different things and have the chance to really grow as a person. If you take these steps when taking advantage of one of these programs, you'll have a better experience overall. Figure Out Ideal Length You'll find different study abroad programs for high school students, and one major way they can vary is in length. Read More …

Why Should Your Child Go To Preschool?

3 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Should your child go to preschool? If you're not sure whether to send your child to pre-k, take a look at the top reasons to seriously consider an early childhood education option. Communication Skill-Building Even though your child may talk constantly at home, the early childhood center setting provides them with a new way to communicate. Instead of talking at will, your child will learn the rules of group interactions. This includes listening, taking turns talking, and communicating clearly. Read More …

About Me
Success at School

A few years ago, I earned a graduate degree in English education. During my coursework, I was required to spend hundreds of hours in middle school and high school classrooms. As a result of this requirement, I learned many successful teaching strategies from veteran teachers. For instance, I discovered that teachers often create fun projects students can complete in groups. When working in groups, students benefit from their classmates’ strengths. I also learned several strategies to control student behaviour. On this blog, I hope you will discover a few, simple ways to improve your middle school and high school students’ interest in course material. Enjoy!